Boating Etiquette in Portofino: Do’s and Don’ts

Boating in Portofino can be a fun and exciting experience, but it’s important to follow certain rules and guidelines to ensure that everyone stays safe and that the natural environment is preserved. Here are some do’s and don’ts of boating etiquette in Portofino.


  1. Respect other boats: It’s important to give other boats plenty of space and to avoid cutting in front of them or creating large wakes that could cause damage.
  2. Avoid sensitive marine areas: There are many sensitive marine areas in and around Portofino, including protected areas and areas where marine life is particularly vulnerable. Be sure to avoid these areas to help preserve the natural environment.
  3. Minimize noise pollution: Loud music and excessive noise can be disruptive to other boaters and to the marine life in the area. Keep the volume down and be respectful of others.
  4. Be mindful of swimmers: There are many swimmers in the water around Portofino, especially during the summer months. Be sure to keep a safe distance from swimmers and to slow down when passing through crowded areas.
  5. Take your trash with you: It’s important to leave the natural environment as you found it, so be sure to take any trash or litter with you when you leave.


  1. Speed excessively: Boating at high speeds can be dangerous and can cause damage to other boats and to the natural environment. Be sure to follow speed limits and to slow down in crowded or sensitive areas.
  2. Anchor in sensitive areas: There are many sensitive marine areas in and around Portofino that are off-limits to anchoring. Be sure to check the rules and regulations before anchoring your boat.
  3. Feed the wildlife: While it can be tempting to feed the fish or other marine life, it’s important to remember that this can disrupt the natural balance of the ecosystem and can cause harm to the animals.
  4. Throw cigarette butts overboard: Cigarette butts are not only unsightly, but they can also be harmful to marine life. Be sure to dispose of cigarette butts properly on land.
  5. Use fireworks: Fireworks can be dangerous and can cause damage to other boats and to the natural environment. They are also prohibited in many areas around Portofino, so be sure to check the rules and regulations before using them.

In conclusion, following proper boating etiquette is essential for a safe and enjoyable boating experience in Portofino. By being respectful of other boaters, avoiding sensitive marine areas, and minimizing your impact on the natural environment, you can help preserve the beauty of this stunning region for generations to come.


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