Exploring Portofino’s Hidden Gems by Boat

Portofino, located on the Italian Riviera, is a stunning seaside town that is known for its colorful buildings, luxury yachts, and delicious seafood. However, beyond the main tourist areas, there are many hidden gems that can only be accessed by boat. These secluded spots offer a different perspective on Portofino, and are definitely worth exploring.

One hidden gem that is only accessible by boat is San Fruttuoso, a tiny fishing village nestled in a cove between the mountains and the sea. The village is home to an ancient abbey, a medieval watchtower, and a small beach that is perfect for swimming and sunbathing. San Fruttuoso is only accessible by boat or on foot, so it is a peaceful and secluded spot that is perfect for a day trip.

Another hidden gem that can be explored by boat is the Punta Chiappa promontory. This rocky headland juts out into the sea and offers stunning views of the coastline. Visitors can anchor their boat and explore the rugged terrain on foot, or simply enjoy the scenery from the water.

For those who want to experience some of Portofino’s marine life, there are a few hidden spots that are perfect for snorkeling or diving. One such spot is the Marine Protected Area of Portofino, which is home to a variety of fish, octopuses, and other sea creatures. Another great spot for snorkeling is Paraggi Bay, a small cove that is only accessible by boat. The clear waters here are perfect for spotting schools of colorful fish and other marine life.

In addition to these hidden gems, there are also several secluded restaurants that can only be accessed by boat. These restaurants offer fresh seafood and stunning views of the sea, and are the perfect place to relax and unwind after a day of exploring.

Exploring Portofino’s hidden gems by boat is an unforgettable experience that offers a unique perspective on this beautiful town. With so many secluded spots to discover, visitors are sure to find something that they will love. Whether it’s a peaceful cove, a rocky headland, or a hidden restaurant, there is something for everyone to enjoy. So why not rent a boat and set off on an adventure to discover Portofino’s hidden gems?


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